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Java is a Object Oriented Programing(OOP) language.
Object Oriented Programing is a language which contains four features:
1) Inheritance
2) Encapsulation
3) Classes
4) Polymorphism

10:03 - By Unknown

Computer Programing

Computer Programing is a process by which a person makes program, software, websites and etc.

It involves activities such as analysis, understanding, and generically solving such problems resulting in an algorithm. An Algorithm is a step by step solution of  a computer program or in other words "Ideas behind the computer program is known as Algorithm".

Any thing we use in our windows is made by the programing. There are many Computer Programing Languages, just like C, C++, java, php, SQL, vb.net and etc,

Every language has its own features, data and methods.click here
11:22 - By Unknown

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